Adobe After Effects 501 Bootcamp
After Effects Course Description
In our 6-day Video After Effects Bootcamp class Participants will get in depth training on the industry standard tool for creating motion graphics. This class is really the best way to fully emerge into Adobe After Effects. This class is a discounted combination of the After Effects Intro 101 and After Effects Advanced 201 classes. For student cancellation purposes, each separate component is treated as a separate class.
This bootcamp is a 6 day event, and consists of After Effects Intro and After Effects Advanced. This bootcamp is held on nonconsecutive dates – please contact your Training Coordinator for dates.
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Suggested Prerequisites
This class is appropriate for novice users of After Effects. Experience with Photoshop or attendance of our Photoshop 101 – Adobe Photoshop CC Essential Skills class will be necessary in order to get the most out of this class. We also recommend that you have the Adobe After Effects software before starting the class. You can purchase the software or obtain a trial version of it from the Adobe web site.
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